Privacy Policy

Collection & Use of Information

  • Your privacy is very important to us. We do not sell or give your information to entities not under our control or where we can’t verify their compliance.
  • You may use our services without providing any information beyond the basic things collected while browsing the web, such as your IP address. Our website collects personal information solely for delivering our services to you. Such info is stored securely and generally not accessible to anyone outside of website.


  • Cookies are used for industry-standard practices across our services. This is to provide you with products and information that you have used in the past and ensure a snappy viewing experience. 

Data Collection

  • You can opt for our newsletter, wherein we will provide you information about the products to lookout for. Rest assured, you won’t be receiving any spam content. You can anytime opt out of the newsletter by clicking on the unsubscribe link below the mail. 
  • We use social media links such as Facebook, Whatsapp and Email that allows you to share the products across these platforms. Cookies used by these platforms aren’t restricted to us and we do not hold any ownership to it.

Changes of privacy policy

  • We may update our privacy policy in future. For more information you can contact us through our contact form or mail us on
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